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The Backbone of Your Business: Discover Our Data Center Features and Compliance Standards

Why US?

Without beating around the bush - At OneUp Networks  our clients get access to the leading technology - the technology that your business deserves. We understand the importance of your business and the blood and sweat that has gone into it - keeping the same thing in mind there is absolutely no scope of compromise with it and leave nothing to chance or sub-par service.


Satisfaction Guaranteed


Committed to Quality


Exceeding Expectations

Data Center Features



100% power uptime guarantee


Up to 55kW per cabinet



Services include: MPLS, IP, Transport, SIP and SD-WAN


35-60% on connectivity savings through telecom auditing and expense management services.



Our Solutions Architects will identify the most innovative network technologies for your business and provide recommendations to help you get the most value out of your existing services.

Data Center Location

Data Center Compliance

OneUp Networks maintain stringent standards and controls around operations, security, availability, and reliability. We have a comprehensive set of compliance certifications and attestations which reflects our commitment to support the highest standards for controls, data security, and privacy.


At OneUp Networks, we are committed to providing our clients with the highest level of security and protection for their data and applications. We are able to offer businesses a reliable and effective antivirus solution that can help them address their security pain points and keep their systems and data safe from cyber threats.

Advanced Threat Defense

Our solution includes using advanced machine learning algorithms and behavioral analysis to detect and block even the most sophisticated cyber threats, including zero-day attacks and ransomware.

Web Filtering

The security feature includes web filtering that can help businesses block access to malicious websites and prevent employees from visiting sites that may compromise the security of the network.

IP Whitelisting

Desktop Next includes IP whitelisting features that allow businesses to restrict remote connections to authorized IP addresses. This helps to prevent unauthorized access from unknown or suspicious sources.

Centralized Management

OneUp Networks provides a centralized management console that allows businesses to manage their antivirus protection from a single location. This can be especially helpful for businesses with multiple locations or remote workers.

Email Security

OneUp offers email security features that can help businesses protect their email communications from phishing attacks, spam, and other types of email-based threats.

Session Timeout

Desktop Next includes session timeout features that automatically log users out of their remote sessions after a set period of inactivity. This helps to prevent unauthorized access in the event that a user forgets to log out of their session.

Low System Impact

The antivirus used is designed to have a low impact on system resources, so it won't slow down your systems or interfere with your business operations.

Network Threat Prevention

Our solution includes network threat prevention features that can help businesses detect and block attacks that may come from the network, such as brute-force attacks, port scans, and more.

Two-Factor Authentication

Desktop Next includes two-factor authentication (2FA) features that add an extra layer of security to remote connections. This helps businesses protect against unauthorized access to their data and applications.

Data Encryption

Desktop Next uses end-to-end encryption to protect all remote connections and prevent eavesdropping or data interception. This ensures that all sensitive data transmitted over the network is protected from prying eyes.

Secure Gateway

Desktop Next includes a secure gateway that acts as a proxy server between the remote user and the server, helping to prevent unauthorized access to the network.

Audit Logs

Desktop Next provides detailed audit logs that track all user activity, including login attempts, session start and end times, and remote desktop activity. This can help businesses detect and investigate suspicious activity on their network.




OneUp Networks partners with Microsoft for various products since 2014


The leading provider of accounting solution


Citrix has been our long term partner for workspace solutions


Our virtualization partner


Our Infra Partner


Our virtualisation Partner

Amazon Web Services

Our Infra Partner

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